
Components can be used to add more power to your presentation.

Read more about components in the Custom Components section.

As same as HTML

Components can be used as HTML tags but in your Markdown file. So you can use them like this:

You muse use PascalCase for component names (but not for HTML native tags).

You can also use Markdown inside your component:

# Heading
Be aware to the space between the component tag and the content. There are important to be able to parse the content correctly.

Class and style

You can add a class to your component:

<LikeHTML class="my-class">

But this theme come with Windi CSS so you can use the power of this utility-first CSS framework:

<LikeHTML class="mt-6 bg-blue-500 text-white">
Read more about Windi CSS.and more...

Built-in Slidev

Slidev come with many built-in components.

You can find the full list of components in the repository.

Custom Components

This theme provides some custom components.


This component can be used to highlight important information.

<Alert color="blue" title="Title">
This is an alert.
titlestringundefinedThe title of the alert.
colorColorundefinedThe color of the alert.

Available Color values are orange, red, green, blue, yellow.


This component is nearly the same as the Alert component but with a different style to allow you to create sections inside your slides.

<SectionContent color="blue" title="Title">
This is a section.
titlestringundefinedThe title of the section.
colorstringundefinedYou can use any valid color.


This component can be used to center the content of a slide horizontally.

You can center content with the `Center` component (horizontally).
- Item 1
- Item 2
- Item 3 is so long (but always centered)


This component can be used to zoom inside an image.

<Zoom src="" scale="1.3" origin="left center" />
srcstringrequiredThe source of your image.
scalestringundefinedThe amount of zoom.
originstringundefinedThe origin of the zoom.


This component can be used to separate title from content.

The position can be easily changed using the attribute class.
<Separator />
You must add it manually in each slide.